Author Archives: Specialty Surgical

SSC-BH Performs Its First Stem Cell Injection

December 20, 2013

SSC-Wilshire Boulevard recently performed its first stem cell surgical case. Bone marrow from the patient’s hip was removed, reprocessed, and injected back into the spinal canal to foster brain regeneration. Michel Levesque, MD performed the case.

Vickie Arjoyan Earns BSN & CASC Certification

November 6, 2013

Congratulations to Vickie Arjoyan, Facility Administrator and Director of Nursing at Specialty Surgical Center-Brighton Way, for recently achieving not one, not two, but THREE major career milestones. Ms. Arjoyan earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing, passed her Certified Administrator Surgery … Continue reading

Corporate Partner: Surgery Partners
340 Seven Springs Way, Suite 600, Brentwood, TN 37027.
P: (615) 234-5900 | F: (615) 234-5998